Standard Faith for Polytheism in Worship


  • Lutf Allah khojah Ummul Qura University - Makkah



Polytheism, Creed, The postponement , Deism, Divinity


The unification of divinity (worship) includes deism, so who believes in God Almighty with acceptance and consent, his place of benefit and harm is necessary, and, on the contrary, that the polytheism of the deity is also a polytheist in the deism, and hence deity is closely related to the trap of worship, i.e., there is no polytheism except with the belief of benefit and harm. This is true in terms of origin and the normal state, in which worship is based on consent and acceptance, and in which there is harmony between the visible and the invisible, but each origin has an exception, and the normal state may be reversed, so there may be a discrepancy between the visible and the invisible. Then, it is possible to imagine a trap - and worship - without believing in benefit and harm, so one engages in divinity - and unites - without believing in deism. An example of this is the one who worships God alone with the intention of agreeing to the familiarity, the habit, and the fathers, not with the belief of benefit and harm, and this can be explained in that if his preacher changes, he abandons worship. A group of polytheists knew the truth of the Prophet, may God’s prayers and peace be upon him, and they did not follow him just because they hated violating the customs of their fathers: {Rather, they say, Indeed, we found our fathers upon a religion, and we are in their footsteps [rightly] guided} [Az-Zukhruf: 22]. These people certainly did not hope in their polytheism any benefit or harm from their idolaters, but they knew that this is not the case, where many polytheists worshiped it thinking that it is so. In this research, we study and investigate the meaning of polytheism by going through the following topics:

Introduction: Worship between Sunnah and Marjaa.
First: the infidelity.         
Second: polytheism.         
Third: the truth about polytheism.

Fourth: The truth of the trap of worship.

Fifth: The words of scholars in the trap of worship.

       The conclusion then contains a summary of what was released and investigated in the matter.

Author Biography

Lutf Allah khojah, Ummul Qura University - Makkah




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How to Cite

khojah, L. A. (2023). Standard Faith for Polytheism in Worship. Jordan Journal of Islamic Studies, 19(1), 197–227.


