The Islamic Educational Thought of Imam Muhammad ibn 'Abd al-Barr Al-Qurtubi and its Applications in the Educational Process


  • Saleh Barakat Al-Balqa Applied University



Islamic educational thought, Imam Muhammad ibn 'Abd al-Barr Al-Qurtubi, Educational process


This study aimed to identify the Islamic educational thought of Imam Muhammad ibn 'Abd al-Barr Al-Qurtubi and its applications in the educational process. The researcher used the historical, descriptive, analytical, and constructivist method. The study showed that ibn 'Abd al-Barr has an integrated intellectual and educational conception about the various aspects of human nature: the soul, body, mind, spirit, good and evil, force and choice, the individual and society, heredity and the environment, and ethics. The study showed that there are practical educational applications of educational thought that include educational objectives, teacher etiquette, learner etiquette, curriculum, and teaching methods. The study indicated that there is a set of educational principles that enhance the educational process. The researcher recommended the necessity of conducting a study on Islamic educational thought among Muslim scholars.




Author Biography

Saleh Barakat, Al-Balqa Applied University




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How to Cite

Barakat, S. (2023). The Islamic Educational Thought of Imam Muhammad ibn ’Abd al-Barr Al-Qurtubi and its Applications in the Educational Process. Jordan Journal of Islamic Studies, 19(1), 173–195.


