similar sign and its derivatives in the book Al-Jarh and Al-Ta’dil by Ibn Abi Hatim
the book Al-Jarh and Al-Ta’dil by Ibn Abi HatimAbstract
The word: (more like) and its derivatives according to Ibn Abi Hatim in his book Al-Jarh and Al-Ta’deel” and it amounted to (73) times in total. In detail, the word “more like” mentioned (35) times, and its significance was different, as it was used in (10) places to denote worship and knowledge, (4) to indicate weakness, and (21) to indicate weighting and strengthening. As for his saying “similar” it came (32) times, it is similar in its different usage, so its use (11) times to denote resemblance in worship, and knowledge, (12) to indicate weakness, and (9) to indicate weighting and strengthening. As for his saying “similarity” it came 3 times and indicates weakness. And his saying "like the wind" in (3) times: twice with this word, and once with the word "the position of the wind", and its indication is that it is not proven in those places because of the weakness resulting from transmission and interruption. The aim of this is to clarify a similar concept in language and terminology, and the rotation of its derivation in the expressions of some imams, as some modernists used it in justifying the hadiths of some narrators, based on the strength of their knowledge of hadiths and their narrators, and their exploration of texts and the men of their chains of transmission. As a result of this research, the position of Ibn Abi Hatim and his father in Al-Jarh, Tadheel and Uncovering Ills.