Popular Proverbs, Sayings and Myths that Contradict the Islamic Faith, an Analytical Study


  • Fayez Abu Naja AL- Balqa Applied University




Islamic creed, proverbs, superstitions, sayings


This study aimed to elucidate some proverbs, sayings, and popular actual superstitions that contradict Islamic creed and are prevalent in many Arab and Islamic countries. The study demonstrated how each proverb, saying, and actual superstition contradicts Islamic creed, providing evidence from the Quran, the Sunnah of the Prophet, and the statements of scholars. The study concluded that the reason for their spread in Muslim countries is due to the prevalence of ignorance and the lack of interest in seeking Islamic knowledge from its correct sources, in addition to the inheritance of sayings, stories, and superstitious tales from ancestors and the fanaticism towards them, accepting them as unquestionable truths not open to discussion or proper scientific criticism. The researcher recommends the necessity of confronting and combating these proverbs, sayings, and popular actual superstitions that contradict Islamic creed using available means.



How to Cite

Abu Naja, F. (2024). Popular Proverbs, Sayings and Myths that Contradict the Islamic Faith, an Analytical Study. Jordan Journal of Islamic Studies, 20(3), 9–35. https://doi.org/10.59759/jjis.v20i3.531


