The Policy of Public Cost Saving from an Islamic Perspective


  • Mohammad Abujriban Al-Balqa Applied University
  • Mohammad Al-sakarnah Al-Balqa Applied University


public spending, rationalizing public expenditures, Islamic perspective, public policy


This research seeks to elucidate the process of cost savings from the Islamic approach perspective to alleviate the deficit of the public budget "Bayt al-mal" and to avoid emergency economic crises. To achieve this goal, the researchers explains the rules and standards that were set in this regard, and they puts a plan that is considered a guide for states to utilize in dealing with deteriorating conditions that resulted from their failure to manage the state’s fiscal policy in terms of public spending. This research also aims to reveal the reform packages that were sponsored by Islamic law for controlling and rationalizing public spending like any other economic system; However, what distinguishes the Sharia systems here is that they are based on the rulings emanating from the legitimate sources based on divinity, moderation, and justice. The research adopted the scientific method based on the description of the evidence, jurists’ opinions, and deducing judgments from an Islamic perspective. The research came out with a set of positive results and important recommendations including the call for adopting economic reform strategy based on Shariah and culture, including the necessity of rationalizing public spending in order to achieve the interest by following the necessary controls and procedures and allocating revenues towards regulated expenditures.



Author Biographies

Mohammad Abujriban, Al-Balqa Applied University



Mohammad Al-sakarnah, Al-Balqa Applied University




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How to Cite

Abujriban, M., & Al-sakarnah, M. (2023). The Policy of Public Cost Saving from an Islamic Perspective. Jordan Journal of Islamic Studies, 18(3), 45–68. Retrieved from


