Explanation of the Issues of Faith in the Book Al-Mu‘tamad fi Al-Mu‘taqad by Imam Al-Kasani
faith, Al-Kasani, imitator, dependent, exceptionAbstract
This study explores issues of faith as presented in Al-Mu‘tamad fi Al-Mu‘taqad by Imam Al-Kasani,
a key text outlining the established doctrines of the Maturidi school. It provides an introduction to Imam Al-Kasani, highlights the significance of the text, defines faith (iman), and explains its pillars and the role of deeds within it. The study also examines key theological debates, such as the increase and decrease of faith, the permissibility of expressing doubt in one's faith (istithna’ fi al-iman), and the validity of faith by imitation (iman al-muqallid), employing an analytical methodology. The research concludes with findings and recommendations.