Jordan Journal of Islamic Studies <p>The Jordan Journal of Islamic Studies is an International Peer-Reviewed Research Journal funded by the Scientific Research Support Fund – Ministry of Higher Education and Scientific Research – Jordan.</p> <p>ISSN: 2079-5076 (Print)</p> <p>ISSN: 2790-1319 (Online)</p> Al al-Bayt University en-US Jordan Journal of Islamic Studies 2079-5076 Words with Multiple Readings from the Detailed Readings (Farsh) in Surahs Al-An’am to Yusuf According to Al-Shatibiyyah: Compilation and Study <p> This study explores words that contain multiple Quranic readings, as presented in the poetic work <em>Ḥirz al-Amānī wa Wajh al-Tahānī</em> by the renowned Quranic scholar and reciter Imam Al-Shāṭibī, commonly known as <em>Al-Shāṭibiyyah</em> among scholars of Quranic recitation. The study focuses specifically on <em>Farsh al-Ḥurūf</em> (detailed readings of specific words) from Surah Al-An‘am to Surah Yusuf. The researcher explains the verses by analyzing their linguistic aspects, extracting the different readings using a comparative method, and providing reasoning for the variations among reciters.</p> <p> The study is structured into an introduction, a preliminary section, two main chapters, and a conclusion. The introduction outlines the research significance, objectives, and rationale. The preliminary section provides a brief biography of Al-Shāṭibī and an overview of his poem. The first chapter examines the Quranic readings in Surahs Al-An‘am and Al-A‘raf, while the second chapter covers Surahs Al-Anfal through Yusuf. The conclusion presents the key findings and recommendations.</p> <p> One of the main findings is that Al-Shāṭibī sometimes employs terminology not explicitly mentioned in his introduction, but these terms can be understood through analysis. Additionally, he tends to fully elaborate on variant readings in earlier surahs but does not repeat them in later ones when the same words appear. Furthermore, Al-Shāṭibī sometimes specifies certain readings with qualifications or restrictions, while in other cases, he mentions them without any qualification. In some instances, he combines both methods within the same context.</p> Shoaeb Idris Copyright (c) 2025 Jordan Journal of Islamic Studies 2025-03-03 2025-03-03 21 1 9 38 10.59759/jjis.v21i1.360 The Additions of Imam al-Tabrizi on Al-Baydawi's Tafsir: "An Analytical Critical Study" <p>This study examines the additions (istidrakāt) made by Imam Abdul-Baqi al-Tabrizi on the tafsir of al-Baydawi titled <em>Anwar al-Tanzil wa Asrar al-Tawil</em>. The research presents a brief biography of al-Tabrizi and his tafsir, as well as that of al-Baydawi and his interpretation. It then reviews al-Tabrizi's additions on al-Baydawi in the fields of exegesis, language, theology, and principles of jurisprudence, relying on both inductive and descriptive methodologies. The study critically discusses these additions with reference to the statements of other interpreters and scholars. It highlights al-Tabrizi’s critical methodology and his scholarly standing. The study concludes with several important findings, including that al-Tabrizi's additions are characterized by precision and depth, supported by evidence from the Qur'an, Hadith, and scholarly opinions. The research emphasizes the significance of al-Baydawi's tafsir and its great scholarly value, justifying al-Tabrizi's critical remarks.</p> Hala mashaqbeh Saad Qaud Copyright (c) 2025 Jordan Journal of Islamic Studies 2025-03-03 2025-03-03 21 1 39 66 10.59759/jjis.v21i1.384 Obstacles to Activating the Quranic Epistemological Methodology in Constructing Contemporary Islamic Thought in Light of Sheikh Taha Jabir Al-Alwani’s Interpretation of the Quran by the Quran <p>This study explores the obstacles hindering the activation of the Quranic epistemological methodology in shaping contemporary Islamic thought, as outlined in Sheikh Taha Jabir Al-Alwani’s interpretation of the Quran by the Quran. These obstacles fall into three categories: the reader’s personal attributes, including their behavior, intent, and intellectual preparedness; the accumulated influence of traditional interpretations that restrict engagement with the Quranic text, such as reliance on weak narrations and fragmented readings; and the absence of broader epistemological perspectives, which limits a comprehensive understanding of the Quran. The study concludes that these challenges, rather than being mere hindrances, highlight the need to revive the Quranic methodology in understanding revelation. It emphasizes that tadabbur (deep contemplation) serves as the key to overcoming these barriers and constructing a more enlightened and civilizational Islamic thought.</p> Ziad al-Daghamin Copyright (c) 2025 Jordan Journal of Islamic Studies 2025-03-03 2025-03-03 21 1 67 93 10.59759/jjis.v21i1.342 The Narrations Concerning the Cause of Revelation of the Last Verse of Surah Muhammad: A Study and Verification <p><strong>Objectives: </strong>The study aims to gather and verify the narrations concerning the cause of revelation of the last verse of Surah Muhammad, assessing whether they truly explain its revelation and determining their authenticity.</p> <p><strong>Methods: </strong>The researchers employed an inductive method to collect the narrations related to the cause of revelation, evaluate and authenticate them, and examine whether they serve as the actual reason for the verse’s revelation or if they are merely interpretative narrations. They also applied an analytical approach to assess how these narrations align with the context of the verse and guide the interpretation of the text.</p> <p><strong>Results: </strong>The substitution mentioned in the verse did not actually occur. This method is used in other parts of the Quran, often in hypothetical scenarios or as a form of threat. The narration should be understood as highlighting the virtues of Salman al-Farsi and his people. Additionally, the focus of the narration is on al-‘Ala’ ibn ‘Abd al-Rahman, and most of his narrators are debated in terms of reliability, with differences in their authentication. Therefore, the narration for this hadith is not authentic, and it should not be considered as the cause for the revelation of the verse as some interpreters suggested; rather, it is an interpretative narration.</p> Ali AL-Hrerat Saed AL–Manasyeh Copyright (c) 2025 Jordan Journal of Islamic Studies 2025-03-03 2025-03-03 21 1 95 116 10.59759/jjis.v21i1.403 Sharia Policy in the Governance of Endowments and Its Role in the Development and Growth of Waqf Institutions <p> This study examines the role of Sharia policy in the governance of endowments and its impact on the development and growth of Waqf institutions. It explores the concept of Sharia policy and Waqf governance, highlighting the strong similarities between governance principles and the Islamic approach to prudence, sound management, and integrity in administering endowments. A careful examination of Quranic verses and the guidance of Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him) reveals essential principles that emphasize the importance of governance, including transparency, accountability, responsibility, justice, fairness, and trustworthiness. The study further analyzes Islamic Waqf regulations in light of governance principles and the views of scholars regarding the implementation of Sharia policy, assessing their alignment or divergence.</p> <p> To achieve these objectives, the researchers employed a descriptive and deductive methodology. The findings confirm that Waqf governance aligns with the spirit of Islamic law, which prioritizes public welfare (maslaha). This alignment manifests in reducing administrative and financial corruption, fostering trust among donors and beneficiaries, and increasing the value of Waqf assets. Consequently, the study concludes that the governance of Waqf institutions is an integral aspect of Sharia policy.</p> Reema Al Qaruty Sereen Jaradat Copyright (c) 2025 Jordan Journal of Islamic Studies 2025-03-03 2025-03-03 21 1 117 153 10.59759/jjis.v21i1.336 Measuring Imam Muslim's Criterion in His Sahih: The Example of Imam Al-Thawri’s Tabaqat – A Statistical Study <p>The research addresses one of the conditions set by Imam Muslim in his book "Al-Sahih," specifically his condition regarding the classifications of narrators. Understanding this condition highlights the value of the book through a new scientific approach. The extent to which this condition is met is measured through a comprehensive statistical analysis of the narrations from one of the most prominent figures featured in the correct hadiths of the book, Imam Sufyan al-Thawri, and the classifications of narrators from him.</p> <p> The study successfully measured Imam Muslim's condition in his "Sahih" based on the classifications of al-Thawri. Through accurate statistical analysis, a specific percentage was determined, revealing with high precision the extent to which Imam Muslim adhered to his condition regarding the classifications of narrators.</p> <p> The study found that the condition is highly fulfilled in his "Sahih." Imam Muslim frequently narrates from the first and second-class narrators, selectively choosing from the third class, much like Imam al-Bukhari does with the second class. However, Imam Muslim does not narrate from the fourth or fifth-class narrators in his "Sahih" in the classifications of al-Thawri, as concluded by the study's results.</p> Yusuf Al-Muhaini Mustafa Araby Copyright (c) 2025 Jordan Journal of Islamic Studies 2025-03-03 2025-03-03 21 1 155 178 10.59759/jjis.v21i1.405 The Views and Positions of Imam Al-Qurtubi on Usury (Riba) Through His Book Al-Jami' li-Ahkam al-Quran – A Presentation and Analysis <p> This research examines the views of Imam Al-Qurtubi on the issue of usury (riba) as presented in his book <em>Al-Jami' li-Ahkam al-Quran</em>. It focuses on the Quranic verses related to riba, reflecting on Al-Qurtubi’s interpretations and positions on these issues and rulings. The study systematically analyzes Al-Qurtubi’s comments on riba in his Tafsir, particularly in the chapters of Al-Baqarah, Al-Imran, An-Nisa, and Ar-Rum. The issues are categorized into topics such as the concept and reality of riba, its types and classifications, its application in trade, its rationale in transactions and money, the rulings on riba-related contracts, and the consequences of riba in this life and the hereafter. The study begins with a brief introduction to Imam Al-Qurtubi, his key works, and the significance of <em>Al-Jami' li-Ahkam al-Quran</em>, as well as the methodology he used in this book. The research concludes with key findings and recommendations. The research concludes with several important results, notably that Imam Al-Qurtubi adhered to the methodology of early Islamic jurists in his interpretation of riba and did not deviate from their views on any of the issues discussed. It also highlights his fairness, pursuit of truth, and avoidance of sectarian bias.</p> Basem Aamer Copyright (c) 2025 Jordan Journal of Islamic Studies 2025-03-03 2025-03-03 21 1 179 204 10.59759/jjis.v21i1.414 The Impact of Divergence in the Interpretation of Evidence on the Differences Among Jurists: The Case of Guardianship and Testimony in the Marriage Contract as a Model: A Comparative Jurisprudence Study <p>This study aims to clarify issues where the evidence is the same, but the interpretation of its application differs among jurists, specifically in the context of guardianship (wilayah) and testimony (shahada) in the marriage contract. The research follows a descriptive methodology by reviewing the opinions of jurists and examining cases where the evidence is consistent but the reasoning behind it varies in the areas of guardianship and testimony in marriage. The inductive approach was employed to demonstrate how the divergence in interpreting the same evidence affects the juristic disagreement in these matters, with a comparative analysis of the jurists' views and a conclusion with a preference for the most widely accepted opinion. The study found several key results, including: the preferred view regarding widowhood that removes coercion is when a woman, after reaching adulthood, has either entered a valid or invalid marriage or committed adultery. The study also found that the preferred opinion on the integrity of witnesses for the marriage contract is that the witnesses must be of upright character, even if their actions appear outwardly correct. The study concludes with recommendations, the most important of which is the need to highlight the reasons behind the differences among scholars.</p> Abdallah Rababa Mahdi Khatatbeh Copyright (c) 2025 Jordan Journal of Islamic Studies 2025-03-03 2025-03-03 21 1 205 228 10.59759/jjis.v21i1.418 See the Prophet Peace Be Upon Him for Gebriel in his True Image, Number, Place and Time Study and Investigation: Subscribe to Search <p><strong>Objectives:</strong> The study aims to clarify an issue in Quranic sciences related to the revelation received by the Prophet, specifically the number of times he saw Angel Jibreel (Gabriel) in his true form, along with the timing and locations of these visions. While most Quranic science books state that the Prophet saw Jibreel twice, the researchers investigated and examined the exact number, place, and time of these encounters.</p> <p>Methods: The researchers followed an inductive and analytical approach by collecting Quranic verses and authentic Hadiths indicating the Prophet’s visions of Jibreel in his true form, analyzing them, and explaining their implications regarding the described visions.</p> <p><strong>Findings:</strong> The study concluded that the Prophet saw Jibreel in his true form four times: in the Cave of Hira, when the beginning of Surah Al-Muddathir was revealed, during the Night Journey (Isra and Mi'raj), and after his return from Ta'if.</p> <p><strong>Conclusion:</strong> The total number of texts confirming the Prophet's visions of Jibreel in his true form consists of two Quranic verses and seven Hadiths</p> Abdelmohsen Al-Maili Abdelrahman al-Mansouri Copyright (c) 2025 Jordan Journal of Islamic Studies 2025-03-03 2025-03-03 21 1 229 247 10.59759/jjis.v21i1.419 Inheritance of the Paternal Grandmother Alongside Her Son: A Comparative Study Between Islamic Jurisprudence and Personal Status Laws and Its Social Impact <p><strong>Objective: </strong>Most legal systems prevent the paternal grandmother from inheriting if her son is alive. This study aims to highlight the importance of "inheritance of the paternal grandmother alongside her son" in contemporary social care and demonstrate that this practice is not in conflict with the jurisprudence adhered to by the society, especially in an era where children’s care for their parents has diminished.</p> <p><strong>Methods: </strong>The research employs an inductive approach by gathering and comparing views and applying them to the social reality. The study describes the state of Islamic jurisprudence and personal status laws, providing a detailed analysis of them. It identifies the criteria for grandmothers' inheritance, considers consensus, resolves disagreements, discusses the evidence, and clarifies the most reliable opinion.</p> <p><strong>Findings: </strong>The study concludes that granting inheritance to the paternal grandmother helps ensure her care in old age. It confirms that the preferred opinion is that the paternal grandmother inherits alongside her son, contributing to better care for grandmothers, preventing the fragmentation of wealth, reducing estrangement, and promoting community support for the elderly, which aligns with the core objectives of both religious and legal systems in society.</p> <p><strong>Conclusion: </strong>Given the social issues faced by elderly people in nursing homes and the lack of support, the study recommends revisiting the laws and improving the quality of life for the elderly, a recommendation directed at policymakers.</p> Mohammad Alhelalat Copyright (c) 2025 Jordan Journal of Islamic Studies 2025-03-03 2025-03-03 21 1 249 279 10.59759/jjis.v21i1.410 Explanation of the Issues of Faith in the Book Al-Mu‘tamad fi Al-Mu‘taqad by Imam Al-Kasani <p>This study explores issues of faith as presented in <em>Al-Mu‘tamad fi Al-Mu‘taqad</em> by Imam Al-Kasani, <br />a key text outlining the established doctrines of the Maturidi school. It provides an introduction to Imam Al-Kasani, highlights the significance of the text, defines faith (<em>iman</em>), and explains its pillars and the role of deeds within it. The study also examines key theological debates, such as the increase and decrease of faith, the permissibility of expressing doubt in one's faith (<em>istithna’ fi al-iman</em>), and the validity of faith by imitation (<em>iman al-muqallid</em>), employing an analytical methodology. The research concludes with findings and recommendations.</p> Mosa Amro Copyright (c) 2025 Jordan Journal of Islamic Studies 2025-03-03 2025-03-03 21 1 281 297 10.59759/jjis.v21i1.424 Intellectual Foundations for Environmental Protection in Islamic Legislation During Armed Conflicts <p>This research aims to elucidate the intellectual foundations that underpin environmental protection in Islam, particularly in the context of armed conflicts. It clarifies the principles that guide Islamic legislation in safeguarding the environment, emphasizing that war is permissible only under strict conditions and must adhere to principles of proportionality. The study underscores that targeting the environment as a military objective is impermissible and that any environmental damage must be carefully evaluated against potential military outcomes to ensure it remains proportionate. A key finding of the research is that Islamic law prohibits unnecessary harm to the environment and integrates environmental preservation as a fundamental aspect of both religious and moral duty, even in times of warfare. The practical implications of this study are significant, offering valuable insights for policymakers, religious scholars, and environmental advocates, particularly in regions where Islamic law influences governance and societal values. This understanding empowers these stakeholders to make informed decisions and take effective actions. To achieve these insights, the researchers employed both descriptive and deductive methodologies.</p> Abeer Al-Saleem Orwa Al-Duwairi Ahmad Al-Qaralleh Copyright (c) 2025 Jordan Journal of Islamic Studies 2025-03-03 2025-03-03 21 1 299 322 10.59759/jjis.v21i1.517